Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Easter Bunnies!

What would Clever Bunnies be if we didn't get to post about baby bunnies every once and a while?
But since we don't have our own rabbits any more, and they've passed on to a few friends of ours, then we get to visit them, and share the cuteness with you.

Our friend Emma's doe Daisy had a litter a week before Easter with her new buck Demi. He is a grandson of our dear Sarah Jane, and was mistakenly called a girl in our Spring Break post last year!


It was a colorful quintet of rabbits, with colors from grandmas on both sides!

This little tri-color is definitely from Daisy's mom Rosie, and we were all excited to see her color pop up in one of Daisy's litters.

There's also a little blue, a mini Demi, who's very darling as well.

Another happy surprise was this harlequin, which also comes from Rosie's genes, as her brother was one. Daisy had one of these in her first litter too. This one's markings, with the even bands over it's back, make me think of a fluffy little bumble bee. :)

And then there are two solid black ones, from Sarah Jane through Demi's dad Pitch.

They are one week old in these pictures, and we'll be sure to keep updating as they get bigger and fluffier. 


  1. Sooo cute! I want one! Thanks for sharing the adorable pictures! I'm pretty sure you just made rabbit fans out of anyone who had previously been resisting that status. :D

  2. Oh my goodness, I can't handle the cuteness!!

  3. Aw, how sweet! :) I like the fun colors of the bunnies.


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