Monday, August 21, 2017

Monarch Museum

We have three jars atop our piano at the moment.

This past Friday when Mom placed them up there, they held three monarch caterpillars.

By Sunday morning the first changed into it's chrysalis, and today the second one followed.

Number three is still a caterpillar, but getting quite large. 

This last caterpillar seems rather grumpy to be contained. To the tune of, "It's My Party" by Leslie Gore, Mom made up this song that seems to sum up it's feelings. 😛

"I'm stuck in a jar, and it's not very far
from where I'm supposed to be.
I've tried to get out- now I'm going to pout
Oh, it stinks to be me!
I need to make a chrysalis and I'll cry if I want to,
 cry if I want to, cry if I want to.
You would cry too if it happened to you!"

In 8-15 days, they'll emerge as butterflies!


  1. This brings back memories of raising Monarchs when I was a kid! They've always been my favorite butterfly because of that. You'll have to show us pictures when they become butterflies! Did you name them?


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