Sunday, December 21, 2014

Love Has Come

For the past, oh, eight years or so, our church has hosted a ladies Christmas tea as an outreach to our community. Becca and I usually do special music for it, and over the years, we've done our favorite Christmas songs that share the message of Christ's birth without being your ordinary Christmas hymn.

Well, this year when it came to picking out a song, we just couldn't think of one we hadn't done before.

So, we asked for help from our family music professor, aka Grandpa, to give us some ideas.

He taught us this beautiful little song, and since Christmas is fast approaching, we'd like to share it with you!


  1. I tried to watch, but the video says "This video is private."

    1. Oops! I think we have it fixed now. Sorry about that!

  2. Quite beautiful. I so enjoy songs about Jesus at Christmas! <3 ~Lisa

  3. Beautiful! I haven't heard this before. :)


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