Saturday, October 19, 2013

Double Feature

by: Bethany

    Wow, it's hard to think that our craft show is in only one week from today. One week! I think we will be prepared; we've been working very hard to get ready.

   One very exciting thing we've accomplished is making business cards!

 We ordered them online, at a company called Overnight Prints. We tried a few others, but it was hard to find the dimensions we had to use if we wanted to design our own instead of using their generic templates. After long hours of searching, and messing with using some other sites, Overnight Prints turned out to be the simplest. It was having a sale too, so the prices were pretty good. At least for the cards themselves, because of course they always hit you with shipping. What can you do, right?

   Becca designed the cards through a free, online picture editing site called Picmonkey. It's a favorite of ours, and has a lot of cool features (though, some you have to pay for through a premium membership).


They have rounded corners! Aren't they cute? We're pretty happy about them. :)

 Now onto the second feature…project, I mean.


This is a sturdy little reading lamp I came upon (came upon = swiping it off a curb after dark in a strange neighborhood. It wasn't stealing, trust me. The lamp was in a pile of free things that had been left over from a rummage sale. It did feel kind of awkward driving off with it and a few other pieces we found, though). It wasn't the prettiest, but the shape of it was nice so I decided to fix it up a bit.

It was an older lamp, and the cord looked a little hazardous, so I replaced both the cord and the light bulb socket with new ones.

A couple coats of primer, a couple coats of paint, then a fun pattern around the edge, and the lamp's facelift was complete!


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