Tuesday, January 16, 2018

"6-8 inches? More like 6-8 snowflakes"

Is it really the middle of January already? We haven't even had a good snow yet! There was quite the blizzard predicted for last week, but we only got plummeting temperatures and a few flurries. Shawn was disappointed.

Now that the holidays are over it's nice to settle into a more normal routine. I think as newly weds we're still working on what normal is, but there are some things that have to happen, like cooking and cleaning, and church, and jobs. 

This past summer people kept asking where I would work after I got married, and I knew a part time job would be nice, but with everything else going on, job hunting wasn't a priority. My mother-in-law knew a lady who did upholstery in town, and mentioned this to me, but we didn't know if she was looking for help or not. 

After the wedding and getting settled into our apartment, I was able to get in touch with this lady, and found out that she did need someone. Her grandson had been working with her, but he was moving on to a different job. She wasn't sure if she would need me right away, but right before Thanksgiving I got a call asking if I could start the next week.

Camero seats
Besides furniture, this shop also does automotive upholstery, and a wide range of other things, so I've been learning a lot. I've mainly been helping with taking things apart and putting them back together. The gal I work for does most of the sewing, but eventually I'll help with that too.

A headliner for a car.

I've also been able to do a few projects of my own.

This is a piano bench for my mother-in-law.

Rocking chair for a family friend.

And this chair will need it's own post. It's a project Shawn and I worked on together for our apartment. 

The top photo is one I sent to Shawn last week while taking a break from pulling staples. :)

So long for now!



  1. Oh, that is so perfect!!! I'm glad you are keeping busy and having fun all at once :)

  2. What a great job for you! (And that's a super cute chair.)


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