Thursday, January 6, 2022

No Post In 2021???

 For the first time since 2013, the Clever Bunnies haven't posted in over a year! Oh dear, what shall we do about that?

Another question is, is anyone still reading? 

As I type right now, I can hear Caroline talking in her crib as she's supposed to be napping. I should be washing dishes, making granola bars, and cleaning for company this weekend, but someone sent me a link to this super cool Writer's Conservatory, and that began the derailment of my train of thought. Hey, I'm already on my laptop, let's check blogger.

I really have been wanting to get more serious about writing though, and while it would be wonderful to finish my 100,000+ word novel I've been working on for over 5 years, little bits of writing like this are good exercises too.

So we'll see, maybe I'll back into some of our old content like recipes, book reviews, projects, or just pop in every now and then to say hi and talk about life. :)

What do you think? 


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