One of the kids gave all the staff a jar of candy on his last day!
Staff shirt I designed and we got screen printed for free as a generous gift!
Journal, gift from the director - she picked designs that fit each staff member's personality 😊
Ok, on Monday I didn't have to work until 2:00. My six year old cousin has been staying with us this week, and one of the things I told her we could do is play with my microphone.
I was thinking it'd would be a time consuming activity :P
I know I've had fun recording and playing with programs like garageband ever since I was a kid.
She did some silly things - like recording ten tracks of herself singing the chorus of "Lollipop" with like, a bunch of extra lollies. 😛
I wanted to try to do one "good" one to be able to show Memere, and her parents,
and this is what we got! So happy! :)
For the second time, she sang by herself and I recorded a harmony track afterwards. While I was recording the harmony, she jumped in "how much I love you" with a high harmony!! That surprised me! You can hear it kind of faintly in the recording. I don't know if she could've done it again. Trying to sing a harmony with her usually threw her off. 😏
After the recording, I got the idea for the video. We scrambled to find crayons and were taking about what pictures to draw ( mostly her ideas ) and drawing those pictures and taking pictures of those pictures -
then I had to go to work.
While staying at Shawn's parents house this week, I had the opportunity to do an upholstery project for someone who goes to their church. I guess a few people gave the gal my name when she was looking for someone to reupholster a pair of chairs she had.